the first litter of this breed in Poland!
Date of birth: 22.09.2021

Father: JChPL, ChPL 🇰🇷Taesan [Ayaw]
(Sire: BaekRyong x Dam: HwaDu)
Health results:
HD-A, ED 0/0, PRA – Clear

Mother: JChPL, st.ChPL 🇰🇷Bomi of Noryeong Sanmaek [Ayaw]
(Sire: WoongYi x Dam: Banji of Noryeong Sanmaek)
Health results:
HD-A, ED 0/0, PL 0/0, PRA – Clear

On this wonderful day 4 lovely puppies were born
BokSil of Yuukitohokori (FCI) | red fawn
BongJi of Yuukitohokori (FCI) | white
BoSal of Yuukitohokori (FCI) | red fawn
BaRem of Yuukitohokori (FCI) | red fawn