„A Kind of Magic”
Date of birth: 10.02.2021

Father: 🇷🇺Faiter Tender Beast [AyAy]
(Sire: Hikay’s Winner Takes It All x Dam: Miori Miya)
Owner: Inari Shrine FCI, Poland
Health results:
HD-A, ED 0/0, PL 0/0, GM1 N/N, GM2 N/N, PRA – Clear

Mother: 🇪🇸Yumi Is So Sweet De Templo Amatsu Kami [atat]
(Sire: Fusao Go Kumade x Dam: Merkulov Kishi Rai)
Health results:
HD-A, ED 0/0, PL 0/0, GM1 N/N

Puppies Pedigree: http://www.shibapedigree.com/testmating
On this wonderful day 5 cute puppies were born
Amakaji Go Yuukitohokori (FCI)
Ashimari No Hanabi Go Yuukitohokori (FCI)
Agojimushi No Momotaro Go Yuukitohokori (FCI)
Ashirenu No Mochi Go Yuukitohokori (FCI)
Arigeitsu No Mochi Go Yuukitohokori (FCI)